Welcome To Calvary Chapel Johannesburg

1 Feb 2021

Thanks for checking out our website, we’re glad you found us. I would like to take some time to share with you who we are and what you can expect at Calvary Chapel Johannesburg.

We’re a group of people with diverse backgrounds ranging in age from young to old. It is our desire to gather together and form a community, with Jesus being our main bond! It’s because of His supreme love and sacrifice that we come and worship Him passionately and teach the Bible inspirationally. Jesus has changed our lives and we hope you’ve encountered that too! If not, we’d love to meet you and share more with you.

We have Sunday service at 10 A.M. where you’ll experience a casual service with worship aimed at glorifying Jesus. We put a lot of emphasis on teaching the Bible and we study through it verse by verse and chapter by chapter. These studies are meant to examine and explore God’s Word and apply its truths to our daily living.

We have a great children’s program that takes place after our worship time. The mission for our Kids Ministry is to introduce the children to Jesus, foster that relationship, and through games, activities, stories, songs, and crafts, provide concepts that will shape a biblical view of the world for our kids. With Jesus as our example, Calvary Chapel Johannesburg Kids Ministry seeks to demonstrate the heart of God for children.

We also have Wednesday Night Service at 7 P.M. where we gather to reconnect and have a time of worship, prayer and study.

Check out our Church Calendar for current events and happenings.

If you have any questions, please feel free to Connect with us, I’d love to hear from you.

In His Service,

Pastor Fabio Breno