We’re all About the “Good News”
Calvary Chapel Johannesburg is a Christian community which believes and proclaims the “gospel”, which simply means “the good news” of Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul declared that this good news is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”
The good news is that though you’ve rebelled against your loving creator God (whether knowingly or unknowingly), God Himself — in the person of Jesus Christ — died for your sins, taking all of your guilt and punishment upon himself. He was nailed to the cross, genuinely died, and was buried. Three days later He actually, bodily rose from the grave, proving His victory over sin and death and proving the truth of His claims to many witnesses.
Jesus reigns now as God’s long-promised King, and we wait for His kingdom to come in full when He returns to put everything right and to bring His perfect justice to bear on the world.
Apart from anything you could possibly do, He freely and graciously offers you full forgiveness, genuine righteousness, and eternal life in His Kingdom, all at the price of simply turning to Him in trust. Or to put it more simply, “the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
At Calvary Chapel Johannesburg we will continually invite you to believe this good news, receive it for yourself, and follow Jesus with all you have.
In 2002 Pastor Chad Naaktgeboren began his ministry as a full time Assistant Pastor at First Love Calvary Chapel in Whittier, California. After serving in Whittier for five years, he and his family felt led by the Lord to move to Johannesburg, South Africa, and in 2007 Pastor Chad started Calvary Chapel Johannesburg. He was blessed to serve as the Senior Pastor of this amazing fellowship for over ten years until the Lord stirred their hearts to return to the USA where he now serves as an Associate Pastor at Calvary Chapel Downey.
In 2017 the Lord raised up Pastor Fabio Breno to take over as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Johannesburg. Since 2017 the Lord has continued to grow and bless this fellowship under the leadership and direction of Pastor Fabio.